Thierry Fossemalle-Bassist

Thierry Fossemalle-Bassist



9 Nov 2023
9 Nov 2023
8 Feb 2023

2023 and not too much snow yet ..   Gigs in Paris-check, more study-check family visits-check, explore new lands-check.

Strange times here. Covid has passed but the machine still needs a jumpstart it seems. Country life is fine enough , if you have enough goats to milk

3 Jun 2022
Big Surf in Southern Portugal

Big Surf in Southern Portugal

    Really must try to update this more than once a year eh ….   Well at least I am not overdoing it.

     So far this year we have had a brilliant ski season and I managed to get plenty of days in despite my workload. In fact,  I just waxed and packed the sticks away today,  . I might get the hang of it one day. As they say “one overestimates what can be done in one year, but underestimates what can be done in 5 …. (So give me 10) .. But now it's cycle time ..!!

    Music post covid is still limping along with most activity coming from the home setup. I am slowly building new material into a body of work for hopefully, a late 2022 culmination.

My local band  “Major Groove” are doing a few spots and functions here and there, we are looking to get more action going in the next 12 months as social settings and events rebound.

Am very excited to be joining my brother Christophe in one of his productions in Paris later in the year. 

 A few other seeds are being planted and now things are returning post covid I am starting to get more of a feel for the local music happenings.

  On a newer note am now flexing the DJ chops a bit which is fun but a steep learning curve. I find it inspiring and humbling as it brings home the sheer enormity of how many great musical offerings are out there and the infinite skill and generosity of musicians and producers to give that of themselves ..  Music really is totally amazing ..!      

3 Jun 2022
Dachstein Glacier view from The Loser

Dachstein Glacier view from The Loser

2 Feb 2021

So winter is kicking on well into March and the snow play life is totally fantastic. Skiing, Snowshoes, hikes, and great food. Music is on the horizon again, let's see what comes up next.! 

21 Oct 2020

So after much planning and organising, saying goodbye to family, friends, and favorite places and pets, I find myself in the midst of the stunning Salzkammergut area in Austria. This will be my home for the next foreseeable stage of life, and I look forward to building new friendships, experiences, and adventures.

21 Aug 2018


21 Aug 2018
Delaneys Hut Australian Alps

Delaneys Hut Australian Alps

21 Aug 2018
Morton Island

Morton Island

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