Thierry Fossemalle-Bassist

Thierry Fossemalle-Bassist




Thierry Fossemalle is a bassist, composer, teacher, performer, producer, who has been professionally active since the late 1980s.

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Born in Melbourne Australia I have lived and worked around the world and currently reside near Salzburg Austria.

I have performed thousands of gigs and dozens of recording sessions on double bass and electric bass.

My services are frequently utilised by recording and live artists, producers, and songwriters.

I have also taught extensively at schools colleges and universities as well as individual tuition. 

Respected for my diverse stylistic versatility, I can offer solid grooves, and expert musicianship to add a flawless foundation to all musical contexts.

My skill set extends to low brass, vocals, percussion, drums, and guitar, plus sound engineering and manipulation and even DJ sets.

Most recently I have commenced several practice-led research projects which are ongoing.

Performing for

Performing for "Grease is the Word" Casino de Paris 2022 photo by Tilka Fosmale


This trio album released in January 2017, showcases the talents of Steve Russell and David Sanders performing my compositions in a traditional acoustic jazz trio format. The digital release includes charts of the compositions plus photos and a short film clip. Now available here

Improvised bass with AI gen visual

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